Curiosidades del mate

Mate news

Legend of yerba mate

The elders told that on the side of a stream, in the midst of the missionary forest, an Indian of great age had stopped, who, burdened by the weight of the years, could no longer follow his tribe.

The elders told that on the side of a stream, in the midst of the missionary forest, an Indian of great age had stopped, who, burdened by the weight of the years, could no longer follow his tribe.

His followers went their way, the natural wandering of the Guarani, who did not settle in a place beyond what a crop lasted. Then the old man and his daughter, the beautiful Yarí, remained, who refused to leave him alone in the thicket of the mountain.

One afternoon a stranger came to his refuge, who spoke the same language as they, but whose trace and clothes made him oblivious to the region and to the race. Yarí and his father roasted an acutí and invited the stranger with that and other humble delicacies offered by the mountain.

Having received so much hospitality and effort from the father and daughter, the visitor, who was none other than Tupa (the God of good), wanted to reward him for could always give a generous treat to their guests and relieve their long hours of solitude.

He caused Tupa to sprout a new plant in the jungle and named Yarí a goddess of protection. He taught them to dry their branches in the fire and prepare an exquisite infusion that would restore the strength of those who took it and delight their visitors. The plant remained under the tender protection of the beautiful young woman, who was from then on Caá Yarí, custody of the yerbales and its fruit.

The gift of Tupa, the vivifying infusion, was nothing else than our yerba mate.


  • Paola
    Una consulta que tal les parecio el final?????
    20/10/17 17:34
  • Anabella
    hola, me dirían la introduccion,el nudo y desenlace de esta leyenda?
    20/10/17 17:33
  • Nicole Gardon
    Hola ,buenas tardes.
    Queria saber cual de las dos versiones de la leyenda es considerada oficial o que tiene mas peso dentro de la comunidad guaranì.
    Yo personalmente siempre escuche la versión de las diosas por eso quería disipar la duda.
    Por fines pedagógicos.
    20/10/17 17:31
    Yerba Mate Argentina
    Hola Nicole,hay muchas versiones. La más conocida es la de Yasí, la luna y Ararí,la nube.
    20/10/17 17:31
  • Marco M
    Un indio??? Entonces todo esto pasó en la India?
    20/10/17 17:30
    Yerba Mate Argentina
    Hola Marco, agradecemos tu aporte. Ya reemplazamos la palabra “indio” por nativo.
    Respetamos todas las opiniones y nuevamente gracias! ¡Que tengas una hermosa semana!
    20/10/17 17:30
  • Anita Vega
    cuales son los nucleos narrativos de esta leyenda
    20/10/17 17:25
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