Benefits of mate with ginger
When it comes to taking some mates, ginger is an excellent ally due to its properties and health benefits.
Ginger is an excellent ally due to its properties and health benefits. It also gives mate a different flavour: something citric, fresh and spicy.
What is Ginger?
Ginger (zingiber officinale) is a plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, and grows as a horizontal rhizome. It is commonly produced in India, Jamaica, Fiji, Indonesia, and Australia. This product is authorized by the Argentine Food Code.
How to add ginger to the mate?
Place a teaspoon of powdered or grated ginger in a thermos, then pour the water on it (Note: You always have to start the first mate with warm water), let it rest for 10 minutes and enjoy some delicious mates!
It can also be placed at the bottom of the mate, before adding the yerba mate. Either way, in addition to giving you the benefits of this tuber, they will give the mate a special flavour: something citric, fresh and spicy.
It is a different form of drinking mate, a way to take advantage of the many virtues of this root of Asian origin.
What does ginger provide?
Fresh or dried ginger can be used to flavour foods and drinks without adding unnecessary salt or sugar.
Because it is often consumed in such small quantities, ginger does not add significant amounts of calories, carbohydrates, protein or fibre.
Ginger provides a variety of vitamins and minerals. Apart from this, it also contains antioxidants.
What does mate provide?
We know that yerba mate is a food that is good for us. It has polyphenols (antioxidants), vitamins and minerals, all of which are good for our health. This, added to ginger, makes mate even healthier.
Why is it important to add it to our meals?
● Due to its expectorant properties, it relieves respiratory diseases, such as asthma and bronchitis, and helps to eliminate phlegm.
● It is anti-inflammatory and very digestive: it favours the absorption of food and prevents stomach pains.
● It also facilitates the elimination of gas from the digestive system and improves the gastrointestinal tract. This is essential for those with irritable bowel syndrome.
Healthy diet
The Nutritional Guidelines for the Argentine Population (GAPA in Spanish) are a fundamental tool for creating or modifying healthy eating habits for Argentinian people.
We share a video with 10 tips for healthy eating from the Ministry of Health of Argentina.
Mario Roberto Fonteina
Hola buenas tardes, el jengibre lo corto en pedacitos y lo pongo en el termo para tomar mate a la mañana y por la tarde le agrego unos pedazos de jenjibre y caras de naranja en el mate. Ahora por las mañanas le estoy agregando una cucharita de moringa a la yerba y tomo el mate con jenj.ibre27/05/19 17:22 -
no se nota en el mate lo picante, si lo hervis nada mas pero si le pones miel se lo neutraliza.27/05/19 17:21Yerba Mate Argentina
Gracias Natali! Muy buen consejo!27/05/19 17:21 -
Muy bueno nunca tome tome mate con gengibre x que se que es picante27/05/19 17:19Yerba Mate Argentina
Si, es un poco picante! Probá con un poquito y si te gusta dulce, unas hojitas de stevia en el mate.27/05/19 17:19