Mate tips

Mate news

11/08/23 Mate tips
To enjoy the national infusion

Tips for making a delicious mate

Below, we leave a series of items that should be taken into account when preparing this delicious infusion and priming it.

Preparing a good and tasty mate involves a ritual that many have already incorporated. Below, we leave a series of items that should be taken into account when preparing this delicious infusion and priming it.

Step by step:

-First, heat the water and then fill the thermos or you can also use the kettle itself. The ideal temperature for mate is between 70 and 80 degrees, so it is important that the water does not boil.

-Secondly, place the yerba mate in the mate (container) until it reaches three quarters of the mate.

-Next, cover the mouth of the mate with your hand, turn it upside down and shake the mate for a few seconds. Then the container must return to its original position, it is also important that the yerba is lying on one of its walls and that a hole is observed, which must be small.

-At this step you are closer to start enjoying this delicious infusion. It is time to wet the yerba, for this it is important to keep in mind that the yerba should not be burned, so that this does not happen you should pour warm water into the small hole that was formed in the previous step.

- After wetting the yerba (only in the part of the small hole) you should place the mate bulb.

- Ready!!! Now you can start priming and enjoy an exquisite mate and share it with friends, family or acquaintances. It is important that during the process the water is always primed in the same place and avoid moving the bulb.


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